Application Requirements
To be eligible for membership as a Cadet one must:
be a legal resident of Canada:
NOTE: A legal resident of Canada is a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant, or, the dependant of a person who is lawfully resident in Canada on a temporary basis for the purpose of education or employment. -
be at least 12 years of age and not have attained 19 years of age;
provide proof of provincial health insurance coverage or equivalent;
not belong to another corps or squadron.
STEP 1: Request for Application Form
Enter email address into indicated field. Once submitted, the application form will be sent to the email address.
STEP 2: Launch Online Application Form
Upon submission, you should receive this email. Click "Continue Application" to prompt application form.
STEP 3: Verify Eligibility
Once the application is prompted, you will be asked to verify the eligibility of the applicant. The applicant must be between 12-18 years of age, not currently part of another squadron or corps, has legal Canadian identification, and is covered under an insurance plan (public or private). Please note if any of these sections are not validated, you will not be able to proceed with the application.
Applicants that have not reached their 12th birthday will not be able to complete to application. Please complete the application after the 12th birthday has lapsed.
STEP 4: Complete Required Fields
Please ensure all the sections with * are completed. You will not be able to submit the application if there are fields missing required information.
STEP 5: Health Insurance Plan
If the applicant has a BC Health Card, please complete the following section as listed:
STEP 6: Health Questionnaire
If "Yes" is selected for any of these questions, your cadet will receive a secondary health questionnaire to complete. This will be sent out by the administration officer once the cadet completes enrolment.
STEP 7: Parental Consent
STEP 8: Review
Please review all the details listed in each section prior to submission. If you would like a copy of your application, please enter your email at the bottom of the form.
STEP 9: Required Documentation
Once this application has been submitted, please submit the remaining required documentation (Government Issued Photo ID and Provincial Health Coverage Card (front and back)) to